Opportunities for Growth

Opportunities for Growth

During these days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, (now more than ever) the Forward Effect can make a difference for you. The Forward Effect was our ability, as a small family owned firm, to rise above circumstances, stay the course and grow our business by overcoming...
On Becoming…

On Becoming…

I know that it’s the beginning of February, and 2019 is already one month old, however in many ways it is the beginning of the year for me.  Work begins to pick up this month and while winter in the Midwest rages on outside, the countdown to Spring has begun. It won’t...

Are Your Ready for 2018?

Happy New Year! I know it’s a little late. I thought I’d let the gyms clear out and some sort of normal routine set back in before I disrupted it again. As a small business owner, January has always been a time to get last year’s information together and ready for tax...

End of Year Post (2017)

End of year post 2017 is coming to a close and, like always, I find myself once again reflecting on the past year.  In many ways this was the best year ever for me personally and professionally.  What makes that so?  Many things, though not the absence of grief. ...
Staying on Track: It’s Harder than You Think

Staying on Track: It’s Harder than You Think

It’s harder than it sounds, “plan your work, work your plan.” Early this week, I was looking over my garden and saw that it was time to prune, weed, and clean up storm debris. Putting on gloves, armed with natural bug spray and wearing long pants, I grabbed my garden...

How Parking Tickets Helped Me Change Habits

I’ve written a lot this year about setting goals, measuring success and eliminating habits that hold you back, replacing them with new ones that support where you are now.  There are so many ways to do this but first you have to know where to start and what to change...