Opportunities for Growth

Opportunities for Growth

During these days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, (now more than ever) the Forward Effect can make a difference for you. The Forward Effect was our ability, as a small family owned firm, to rise above circumstances, stay the course and grow our business by overcoming...
On Becoming…

On Becoming…

I know that it’s the beginning of February, and 2019 is already one month old, however in many ways it is the beginning of the year for me.  Work begins to pick up this month and while winter in the Midwest rages on outside, the countdown to Spring has begun. It won’t...
Looking Back at 2018, And What’s Coming in 2019

Looking Back at 2018, And What’s Coming in 2019

I started out this year without knowing the ending.  Many of you know I ran for public office, inspired to run by what I saw as a lack of leadership from elected officials who have tipped the scales towards self-gain and stood less for the common good.  I also saw a...

Finding your Edges and Moving Past Them

For the past few years, I’ve been working in the area of change.  It seems to be the topic of the day in organizations everywhere I go. What I’ve come to understand more fully though, is that true change is more like transformation.  The change that most scares people...

The Caterpillar Story: A Visual Transformation

A few weeks ago, my five-year-old was given a caterpillar at her preschool along with instructions on how to care for the caterpillar.  This was not unusual.  Chloe, my five-year-old, is fascinated with bugs of all kinds.  She has brought home many creepy crawlies in...

When the going gets tough….oh how I hate when that happens!

This past weekend I finished my 4th marathon.  I still cannot believe that I run marathons, let alone 4 of them.  There are many reasons why I love running long distances, one of which is the feeling I get when I finish one.  It is a reminder that I am capable of...